As Chair of the Board of United Way East Ontario, I am very excited to share this event annoucnement with all of you.  Please register and share amongst your networks.

“Good day, everyone!

I hope this note finds you well.  I am very excited to share with you an invitation to our upcoming Summit on Equitable Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth, which is being sponsored by our wonderful partner, RBC.

As our communities begin to plan for the long-term economic recovery from COVID-19, United Way East Ontario would like to invite you to this special event where you will learn about the principles of Community Wealth Building and how intentional investment in local ecosystems could drive shared prosperity.  We will be hearing from both national and local experts on these topics.  In addition, our summit will feature senior executives from 3 anchor institutions who will discuss diversifying supply chains, integrating an equitable workforce and implementing social procurement processes within your organizations.

Please join us on October 19th from 8:30am-12:00pm for this virtual event by using this link to register:

This summit will be most useful for: business owners, CEOs, and other executives; directors responsible for human resources and procurement; and staff responsible for community engagement activities.

We invite you to share this invitation with everyone in your network!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions at all.

Looking forward to seeing you in October!”

Kind regards,

Sophia Alli (Chiboka) (She/her – Elle)
Event and Job Match Officer, EARN

Agente, Activités et adéquation de l’emploi, PAIRE
M 613-808-0200

United Way East Ontario | Centraide Est de l’Ontario |

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