Do we expand Ottawa’s urban boundary? Part 4

Do we expand Ottawa’s urban boundary? Part 4

In the spirit of open dialogue,  I am pleased to post (with his permission) the comments that Pierre Dufresne, Vice-President, Land Development, Tartan Land Development Corporation has sent to the Chairs of the two committees discussing the Growth Management Strategy...
Do we expand Ottawa’s urban boundary? Part 4

Do we expand Ottawa’s urban boundary? Part 3

I received the following email from my Councillor, Councillor Brockington who represents River Ward.  It is an honest statement and reflection of facts re: what is being proposed concerning the urban boundary expansion issue, the pros and cons of the three options, a...
Canadian Nonprofit Workers Survey 2020

Canadian Nonprofit Workers Survey 2020

To all my friends and associates in the nonprofit community, please take time to fill out this important survey from the folks at Social Canada Social and also share it through your networks. Canadian Nonprofit Workers...
Watch the Inner Climate Change Documentary

Watch the Inner Climate Change Documentary

No other organization that I know of comes close to reflecting my values and beliefs, than the Findhorn Foundation.  This documentary is just another amazing example of how they are on the leading edge of evolution, or as we say in the “Integral” community, second...

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