by George Brown | May 11, 2020 | News
In the spirit of open dialogue, I am pleased to post (with his permission) the comments that Pierre Dufresne, Vice-President, Land Development, Tartan Land Development Corporation has sent to the Chairs of the two committees discussing the Growth Management Strategy...
by George Brown | May 9, 2020 | News
I received the following email from my Councillor, Councillor Brockington who represents River Ward. It is an honest statement and reflection of facts re: what is being proposed concerning the urban boundary expansion issue, the pros and cons of the three options, a...
by George Brown | Apr 27, 2020 | News
There will be much written on this subject in the coming two weeks! Please check out this article: First of all, Form follows...
by George Brown | May 3, 2018 | News
I am proud to be supporting a local Ottawa group is is planning to develop a co-housing project! Stay tuned! These 4 cohousing projects are creating thriving communities: Affordable, quality housing is a human right. It is one of the elements that form the basis of...